Batman the brave and the bold joker
Batman the brave and the bold joker

  • You Fool!: Joker when denouncing Batman for saving his life.Welcome to the Daily LITG.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Joker keeps insisting to Weeper that he has it in him to be Gotham's greatest criminal.
  • Villain Team-Up: "The Mountebank of Mirth teams up with the Duke of Downers! Gotham won't know what hit it!".
  • batman the brave and the bold joker

    Villain Protagonist: This episode stars the Joker in the leading role, with him even taking over the opening credits.In fact, after giving up and deciding he wasn't meant to be a villain in the first place, The Weeper changes his mind and goes back to help Joker after witnessing a young boy trying to shoplift a single stick of gum before seeing the computer and deciding to put it back. Villain Has a Point: While Joker and Weeper only want to destroy the crime predicting computer because it will make crime more difficult for them, the computer itself does violate other people's privacy.Joker spends the episode trying to snap him out of this. However, he was defeated by Bulletman right before he could destroy Fawcett City and then spent 30 years in prison, which completely destroyed his self-confidence. Villain Decay: Joker says Weeper used to be a legendary figure in the criminal underworld and even inspired so many current figures, especially himself.Sticky Shoes: Joker scales a building with a pair of plungers, in parody of Batman's grappling-hook climb.

    batman the brave and the bold joker

    Joker isn't too happy about this - he wanted Weeper to kill him and become the new kingpin of crime.

    batman the brave and the bold joker

  • Save the Villain: Batman saves Joker when the Weeper turns on him and tries to kill him.
  • Too bad Joker, out of twisted curiosity, presses the activation button and destroys the Earth and everyone and everything on it. Thus, allowing him to take full control of the nuclear missile which in turn would enable him to take over the world.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: In the teaser, thanks to Joker's help The Misfit is able to defeat Kamandi and the rest of his forces.

  • Batman the brave and the bold joker